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Coastal Labradoodles

Medium Australian Labradoodle
Sire: Shelby Avenue Crusader
Dam: Coastal Moonlight Gardens "Luna"
Coastal Coconut Row "Mollie"

Mollie is from the popular Luna and our beloved Maxx. She is a beautiful golden caramel with a wavy fleece coat. She is allergy friendly, like all our labradodoodles and a perfect family companion, a dog who will be confident and happy no matter where they take her, be a road trip or just a walk around the neighborhood. Her human Mom Melissa says, "Mollie is loved so much, and has such a personality!" She lives with her guardian family in Orlando, FL.
Hips OFA Fair
Elbows Normal
CAER Normal
Cardiac Normal
Patella's Normal
PrcdPRA Clear
vWD Clear
EIC Clear
IC Carrier
Coat Fleece
Color Caramel
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