With lots of doodles to choose from, the labradoodle is a clear choice for many families
1000 words: 4 minute read
The Main Idea: Why the Labradoodle is an ideal canine companion.

The smile of an ALD warms hearts everywhere.

You may wonder why the labradoodle (ALD) is such a popular breed.
The Labradoodle is the combination of a poodle and Labrador Retriever, both very popular breeds for their health and dispositions. The Australian Labradoodle also has a sprinkle of cocker spaniel to achieve a more square structure and softer, silkier coat.
Due to the intelligence, loyalty, and kind nature of this breed, they make excellent family pets as well as therapy and service dogs. They are also as allergy friendly and shed free as any dog can be.
One of the favorite traits of labradoodle enthusiasts their playful, joyful disposition. They will keep you laughing even on the darkest of days!
Like Peter Pan, the labradoodle spirit is forever young. ALDs go with the flow of every situation, looking for the fun. Thought their heart is young, they have old souls. Intuitive and loving, they sense when a human is in need of a lift of spirit and come near to offer comfort. This is why the ALD is not only make wonderful pets, but are sought after as service and therapy dogs.
The good, the challenge, the beauty of the Labradoodle
The Good Traits of Australian Labradoodle
Gentle, loyal, hearts of gold, love humans and other dogs
Brimming with empathy, they offer comfort for the ill, the weak, the broken hearted
Athletic and graceful, they love to tag along and play
Intelligent and eager to please, they train easily
Loving human companionship, they bond easily and want to be your best friend
Love novelty and solving puzzles
Prey drive is medium. They may love to play catch, but usually need to be trained to enjoy the chase.
Due to their sensitive souls, be sure your labradoodle is from a breeder who socializes the puppies and exposes them to normal household and city sounds. They need to know this noisy, busy world is a safe place.
Because they love to play, it is important to give them exercise, mental or physical. Ten minutes of fun training, or a sniffing game can take as much energy as a half hour walk.
Due to their intelligence and love of problem solving, trainings should be short, not too repetitive, and fun (you know labradoodles just wanna have fun!)
Their sensitive nature requires positive training techniques
They may chase a lizard or squirrel, but rarely catch it
Labradoodles do not like to be without human companionship for long periods of time.
The Beauty of the Australian Labradoodle:
Labradoodles come in many colors and several sizes. Because new infusions are important to genetic diversity and health, no two labradoodles are exactly alike.
Purchase from a knowledgeable, caring and honest breeder, and your labradoodle puppy will come to you healthy, socialized and ready to be a best friend. Breed clubs such as WALA support good breeders.
Are labradoodles different from other doodles?
Every doodle will have some of the traits of the poodle: Smart, easy to train, sociable, need of physical and mental stimulation, and love of human companionship.
Every doodle will also have some of the traits of the breed it is crossed with. Many of the second breed in doodles are not ideal due to health concerns or disposition. In addignion, breeding for the best traits in both breeds can take decades or longer. It also requires a community of honest, caring breeders who work together to breed out any unwanted traits from the breed, as well as potential health issues. Other doodle breeds do not have support groups, do extensive testing nor have verified pedigrees of many generations. Labradoodles are a totally different breed from Aussie Doodles (which are poodles crossed with Australian Shepherd). These dogs have herding dog instincts, among other differences. The term Cobberdog was created by an Australian breeder. While some Cobberdogs could be classified as an ALD, other breeds are sometimes infused. Cobberdogs and other doodle breeds do not have the support of a strong breed club, with the health and longevity of the breed put foremost.
The importance of a Breed Club for healthier Labradoodles
Australian Labradoodle breed clubs such as WALA strive for a breed standard so that the physical and behavior health of the Australian Labradoodle is ideal. WALA provides a database of pedigrees and health records along with educational opportunities from experts on best breeding practices, including the importance of genetic diversity and a healthy gene pool. Breeder members have shared goals and subscribe to rules, regulations and a code of healthy that promotes the well being of the breed.
Intentionally producing dogs of sound mind and body, friendly, confident and tail-wagging happy, is the goal of a reputable breeder. There would be no need for shelters if all dogs were bred with love, care and forethought.
A Day in the Life of a Labradoodle
Morning: He bounds outside to chase some butterflies and sniff the yard. But he soon returns, wanting to be with you. Then he hangs out, following you everywhere, hoping to go with if you have some errands or need to go to work.
Afternoon: He greets at the door when you return as if you'd been gone for weeks. A quick training session calms him down and he follows you to the kitchen. Lying on the floor, he looks up hopefully once in while to see if you will slip him a carrot or slice of beef. He listens to you tell him about your time away, what made you happy or sad, his face cocked to one side in attention.
When you bring out the leash, his tail waves happily. On the walk, he loves everyone you meet and allows them to pet him. The joy he brings warms your heart.
After dinner, he cuddles on the couch to watch TV. If an animal appears, it gets his attention and he may give a happy bark, a wave of the tail.
At bedtime, he lays in your bed or on his own bed on the floor, one ear cocked for any strange sounds. You rest easy, knowing he will let you know if anything needs your attention.
Hope you learned a little bit more about the Australian Labradoodle and the long and winding road to what they have become: Healthy, happy companions bred for the best in disposition and structure so that they live long lives and bring love and comfort to their human families.